Androx Biosira (Anadrol, Oxymethlone) 100tabs (25mg/tab)


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- Tillverkare: Biosira Pharmaceuticals

– Pack: 100 tablets (25mg/tab)

– Chemical Substance : Oxymetholone


ALTERNATIVA STEROIDNAMN: Anadrol, Anadrol-50, Anapolone oxymetholone, Oxymetholon, Dynasten, Roboral, Synasteron, Hemogenin, Oxitosona, Oxanabolic, Oxy 50

Strength Gains: 10/10
Ökning av massa och vikt:10/10

Ability to keep Gains:1/10
Vanliga doser:50 – 150 mg per day
Detektionstid:2 Months
Bäst i kombination med:
Bulking:Deca Durabolin, Primobolan, Winstrol, Sustanon (generally all testosterones)
Skärande:Anadrol is usually not used in cutting cycles
Beginner Use: 2/10
Kvinnlig användning: 
Proffs:Extremely rapid strength and mass buildup, easily obtainable.
Kons:Very strong side effects, Most of the gains are lost after the cycle.


History:   Anadrol was 1st produced in 19060 by the pharmaceutical company Syntex and was prescribed in the treatment of anemia and osteoporosis.  However, with the arrival or EPO, Anadrol as no longer considered an ideal candidate for the treatment of anemia and therefore, Oxymetholone, under the brand name Anadrol, was discontinued by Syntex in 1993.  Anadrol was later re-introduced in 1998 for the treatment of muscle wasting in H.I.V patients.  BB’rs and strength athletes began using the drug shortly after its release as a pharmaceutical agent and until this day, it remains one of the most popular oral steroids ever produced.

Administreringssätt: Methandrostenolone är vanligast administreras i oral form. Injicerbara beredningar av läkemedlet har producerats av vissa UGL, även om denna praxis inte har visat sig leda till ytterligare fördelar. Oral användning är överlägset den vanligaste administreringsvägen.

Steroid Class:  Oxymetholone is a DHT derivative, belonging to the DHT-family of steroids.

Primary Use:   Anadrol is king among the traditional oral steroids, being the most potent mass & strength builder available.  It is well-noted to provide immediate and substantial results, with many users adding 20+ pounds within the 1st four weeks alone.  While it potency as a mass & strength drug may be its most famed attribute, Anadrol is not a one-trick pony.  It has often been implemented towards the end of pre-contest prep, in order to increase muscle fullness beyond what can be achieved with injectable drugs alone–a feat it accomplishes quite successfully.  Users of this compound often experience extreme muscle pumps when training, which is no doubt at least partially attributable to the drug’s ability to increase red blood cell count.  In turn, enhanced vascularity can be expected.  These characteristics combine to provide a cushioning effect on the joints, allowing the lifter to perform heavy, pain-free workouts.  When it comes to strength enhancement, this is a steroid which powerlifters and strength athletes can put to good use, as few drugs are able to outperform Anadrol in this capacity.  In fact, many lifters claim that Anadrol is the most effective strength builder they have ever used.

Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio:  320:45

Aromatizable:  No.  Anadrol is not capable of aromatizing to any degree.  Still, Anadrol is well known to induce estrogen-like side effects in many users, although the mechanism by which Anadrol accomplishes this is not well understood.  When it comes to estrogen-like side effects, personal response can vary widely, yet treatment options are similar to aromatizable drugs.  For reversing/prevention of gynecomastia, Nolvadex is the preferred choice, while water retention is frequently mitigated with the use of an A.I, despite the drug’s inability to convert to estrogen.    

Progestagen aktivitet: Nej.

Metylerad: Ja. Metylering fungerar som en skyddande egenskap hos de flesta orala AAS, vilket gör att molekylen kan passera genom levern och komma in i blodomloppet intakt, varefter den kan resa till muskelvävnad och utöva sina muskelbyggande effekter.

Standard Dosing Range and Cycle Lengths:  Oxymetholone is most commonly used at between 50-150 mg per day for a period of 4-12 weeks in length.  Most users will find that 50-100 mg per day is more than sufficient.

Administreringsfrekvens: Daglig användning; uppdelad på 2 lika stora doser.


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