
Enanta-Med Bioniche Pharmacy (Testosteron Enanthate) 10 ml (300 mg/ml)


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- Tillverkare: Bioniche Pharmaceuticals

- Förpackning: 10 ml (300 mg/ml)

- Kemisk substans: Testosteron Enanthate

Produkt av farmaceutisk kvalitet.


Testosterone Enanthate (Test)

Historia:  Den stora döden av alla AAS, från vilken varje annan steroid har härletts, är testosteron. Dess historia sträcker sig tillbaka nästan 100 år ... till början av 1930-talet. Dess 1st dokumenterad användning påstås vara av Nazityskland under andra världskriget, där det administrerades till svältande soldater i ett försök att öka mental skärpa, aggression och hjälpa till att behålla mager massa under tider med låg livsmedelsförsörjning. Efteråt användes den för prestationsförbättring av ryska olympiska lyftare under 1950-talet och med liten fördröjning tog den sig över till Amerika, där den också användes av olympiska lyftare och BB'rs lika. Men med tillkomsten av Dianabol bara ett par år senare föll testosteron till stor del ur favör och dess användning fortsatte att förbli relativt dunkel fram till mitten av 80-talet, då en liten kontingent av BB'rs började inkludera den i sina PED-program. Ändå var det inte förrän på 90-talet som testosteron antog rollen som blysteroid och vid millennieskiftet ansågs det vara en integrerad del av nästan varje cykel.

Administrationsmetod:  Testosterone is administered in injectable form.

Steroidklass:  Testosterone is the parent steroid from which every other steroid, and each subsequent steroid class, is derived.

Primär användning:  Naturally produced by both men and women alike, testosterone is essential for the normal physiological functioning of both sexes.  It is the primary sex hormone found in men and a secondary sex hormone in women, which is responsible for regulating many of the defining physical, emotional, and mental aspects of our being.  However, it is the hormone’s effect on muscle hypertrophy which is of central interest to BB’rs.  In fact, despite testosterone being around for 80+ years, it is still one of the most effective muscle-building AAS available today.  Why?  Well, there are a few reasons for this.  While testosterone does not possess the greatest anabolic effect, per mg, through androgen receptor binding, its favorable safety profile allows it to be utilized at higher dosages for longer periods of time than most other steroids, providing a comparatively greater increase in protein synthesis.  In addition, testosterone works to build muscle through a variety of other mechanisms, such as increased androgen receptor count, increased IGF-1 levels, increased satellite cell activity, and increased growth hormone production….but that is not all.  Testosterone also improves nervous system activity and enhances the alpha male mind-set, which in turn may allow the individual to lifter heavier and harder, indirectly increasing muscle hypertrophy.  Another well-noted effect of this drug is its ability to dramatically improve sexual functioning and libido.  When combined with a drug like Viagra on an as needed basis, one can morph themselves into a virtual sexual superman at a moment’s notice. The benefits associated with this compound are numerous, with many claiming it to be their favorite overall steroid.  Testosterone is an amazingly well-rounded compound, being properly employed by BB’rs, strength athletes, and all other sportsmen.  As a general guideline, those seeking the maximum in mass & strength gains will likely want to utilize a higher dosage of Testosterone Enanthate, while those who are primarily interested in attaining a higher quality look to their musculature will want to use a lower dose, while relying more heavily on non-aromatizing compounds.  Testosterone Enanthate is known to cause water retention, so prospective users should take this into consideration when designing their cycles.

Förhållandet mellan anabola och androgena ämnen:  100:100

Aromatiserbar:  Yes.   At dosages beyond 300 mg per week, Testosterone Enanthate may require the use of either an anti-estrogen or a S.E.R.M, such as Nolvadex, in order to mitigate estrogenic side effects.

Progestagen aktivitet:  no. 

Metylerad: Nej.

Standarddoseringsintervall och cykellängd:  Testosterone Enanthate is commonly dosed anywhere between 300-2,000 mg per week, but cycle length can vary substantially, ranging anywhere between 6 weeks to years.  The typical cycle generally lasts between 8-16 weeks.

Administreringsfrekvens:  Testosterone Enanthate is normally injected 2-3X week.

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